To be honest, 21 years since my first Hillcrest summer, not too much has changed. Sure, I don’t actively count down the days until summer anymore – that’s what the camp website is for. But I find myself waking up this morning as excited as ever about it being the first day of another Hillcrest summer!
Over the course of the summer, the Hillcrest Jewish Center Day Camp website will share the story of Summer 2016 with all of you. You should be sure to check the “Camp News” page for two-week updates, reminders, and digital versions of forms and flyers that get sent home with campers. Don’t forget to glance at the “Photos” page to view galleries of pictures from trips, BBQs, events, and more! And of course, keep your eye on this “Blog” page for weekly updates, video blogs from Director Howie and others, and updates about everything that happens on your average day at Hillcrest! Links to all of these pages are right at the top of our homepage!
I’m so excited to spend another amazing summer with all of the campers at Hillcrest and to share our experiences with all of you here, at
Happy Hillcrest 2016,
Daniel Bacharach
Webmaster & Director of CITs